All Posters Communications are listed below as PDF file. Click on the number to view the poster. Please note that each poster will also be presented as a short oral presentation (4 slides) in 4 minutes within the congress program at the designated day and time.

27th November, Friday, 11.30-12.30
Virtual Hall A Virtual Hall B
PC01 PC13
PC02 PC14
PC03 PC15
PC04 PC16
PC05 PC17
PC06 PC18
PC07 PC19
PC08 PC20
PC09 PC21
PC10 PC22
PC11 PC23
28th November Saturday, 14:30-15:30
Virtual Hall A Virtual Hall B
PC24 PC35
PC25 PC36
PC26 PC37
PC27 PC38
PC28 PC39
PC29 PC40
PC30 PC41
PC31 PC42
PC32 PC43
PC33 PC44
PC34 PC45

Click Here for the Detailed Scientific Program